Instructions for Presenters
Plenary and parallel session talks
- Opening talk (Monday, Sep. 28) is allocated 40 min. plus 5 min for discussions.
- Teaser talks (Monday, Sep.28) are allocated for 5 min. without discussions.
- Parallel talks (Monday, Sep.28 - Wednesday, Sep.30) are allocated for 15 min. plus 5 min.
for discussions.
- Plenary talks (Thursday, Oct.1 - Saturday, Oct.3) are allocated for 25 min. plus 5 min.
for discussions except for the special session on "QGP in small systems?" on Friday, the 3rd plenary talk (15min.+5min.) on Saturday,
and the flash talks (5min. without discussions, maximum 3 slides) on Saturday.
All speakers (plenary and parallel) are asked to upload their talks
(pdf mandatory; ppt acceptable; OpenOffice/Keynote not acceptable)
to the the INDICO conference server
by the end of the day before their presentation.
Presentations by using private computers, presentations by using USB, and the
last-minute change of the presentation files by using USB are not possible.
The speakers may test their presentations at the conference office (CON3) in the 9F.
Poster presentations
- Poster session will be held in the afternoon of Tuesday, Sep. 29.
- Posters must also be uploaded
to the the INDICO conference server
before the poster session in order to participate in the selection for flash talk presentations
on Saturday, Oct.3. From the uploaded ones, some posters will be selected for presentation as 5 min. flash talk (3 slides maximum).
- The size of the poster must be
A0 [84.1 cm (width) x118.9 cm (hight) = 33.11 inch (width) x 46.81 inch (hight)] or smaller.
Poster rooms are EX3 and EX4 in the 9F.
The poster rooms are open throughout the conference period.
The poster presenters can put up their posters from 8:30am on Sept.27 (Sun).
Posters must also be uploaded to the INDICO before the start of the
poster session on Sept. 29 (Tues.), 16:30. This is necessary to
participate in the selection for flash talk presentations on
Oct.3 (Sat). The computers in the conference office in the 9F
cannot be used for uploading the poser files.
Since there are NO nearby copy shops at which you can print the A0 poster
locally, you should print your poster by yourself and bring it to Kobe.
In case that you cannot bring your poster by some reason, a local
business company inside the conference venue can serve as a mediator.
Those who use this service must contact the e-mail address below and
send the PDF file before Sep. 17 (JST). Then, you can pick up the printed
poster at the company's desk (4F of the venue) in the morning of Sept. 28
(Monday) by paying the fee (cash only) to the company. Costs per A0 size
colored poster is JPY 6,000 (coated paper) and JPY 3,600 (plain paper).
- Mr. Noborisaka
- Business Innovation Consulting, Ltd.
- 4E-04, 4th floor, Kobe Fashion Mart